Crystal IFTTT Script is a type of manifestation technique that is more automated once created and programmed. IFTTT in "Crystal IFTTT Scripts" is short for "If This Then That", which is the primary statement to set the trigger(If This) and action(Then That) for a crystal IFTTT script program.

There are many other types of manifestation techniques, but Crystal IFTTT Scripts would be a more efficient and automated solution to aid your efforts to manifest your goals.

Crystal IFTTT Script is a type of manifestation technique that automates specified triggers and actions programmed into a crystal.


What is a manifestation technique?

Manifestation techniques help aid with the law of manifestation aka the law of attraction. Law of attraction is a universal law where we attract experiences and circumstances that are of the same frequency as our thoughts and beliefs, "like attracts like". Manifestation techniques help shift your frequency and vibration to the same frequency as whatever you are trying to attract. 

How to use Crystal IFTTT Scripts

Step 1: Select a crystal to program

Crystals are known to have healing powers and can be used as a tool to support manifestations. Pick out a crystal to store your scripts on. A couple of suggestions are amethyst and clear quartz. As these are good crystals that can be used in many different ways. Always remember to cleanse and charge your crystals often, to ensure they are working at their optimal performance.

Step 2:
Dedicate a notebook to write down scripts

Dedicate a notepad or notebook to write down your Crystal IFTTT Scripts. This is also a good way to keep track of what scripts are inserted in each crystal.

Step 3:
Write the Crystal IFTTT Script

Start by labeling the page with the crystal that you will be programming. 

Underneath, start writing down the script you will be inserting into that crystal. You start with an
IF trigger, and when that condition is met, you write a THEN action of what you want the script to perform. Here is a generic example of a protection script: 

IF I have any doubts or negative thoughts

THEN no energy will be given to those thoughts, and remove the doubts and negative thoughts and replace with positive thoughts and add positive energy to those positive thoughts.

These scripts are completely customizable to whatever your needs are. You can be as generic or as specific as you want. Try to find the right balance between the two and you can always rewrite them if it isn’t working out. 

Step 4:
Program the scripts into your crystal

After you finish writing out your final script in your notebook. Hold onto the crystal you are programming, set the intention that you are inserting these scripts into your crystal, and say the script 3 times(or 6, 9 times depending on how strong you need it) out loud or in your head. As you are doing this, try to visualize in your head how the scenarios will work out when the script automatically runs. Try to visualize this on a blank canvas instead of a specific place. 

Now you have a script that will automatically run throughout the day. You might need to reprogram your crystals every 1-2 weeks depending on the type of crystal.

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May your goals be fulfilled with these tips!